Sunday, June 20, 2010

Eye Trouble

This post was not expected.

Some of you may be aware I was planning an extensive trip outside of the country following my ''retirement'' this July. You may also be aware I have been receiving treatment for Glaucoma for many years.
My left eye has responded to medication and the pressure is under control with no significant loss of vision.
My right eye is quite another story! Laser surgery twice, a Trab in 2005, needling in 2007 and 4 times since last October, change in medication, and a very concerned doctor. All to no avail. The pressure does not want to drop and stay in the teens.
Prior to May 26 my doctor had suggested further intervention if the recent changes in medication did not produce the desired result
Following my May 26 visit to my doctor, with the desired result not obtained, there was a referral to a specialist. On May 31 I visited the specialist and his opinion was a shunt would be beneficial in pressure reduction. I had previously discussed the pros and cons with my doctor and now had the same discussion with the specialist. the decision was made to undergo the procedure. The question was ''when''. I would have preferred November after my time traveling. His response was ''right now, forget the traveling''.
On June 10 I underwent surgery to have a shunt installed in my right eye. The pressure is down, I am currently on eye drops every 2 hours for another week and then a decision will be made as to future care/treatment.
For now, traveling out of the country for a prolonged period of time is out of the question. Just how long this moratorium will last, will depend on my eye pressure!
You can imagine my frustration on learning surgery was recommended sooner rather than later and that I would have to put the travel plans on hold. The up-side is that in just over 2 weeks with our Universal Health Care system I was able to go from my doctor to a specialist to the operating table. The compressed time period has helped me to realize just how serious the elevated eye pressure was.
My eye sight is more important than any travel plans. I would still like to travel Time and healing will tell.


Friday, June 4, 2010

June 3 dining Room report

Hello again:

It's only been a few days since I last posted some news about the Dining Romm at Lac L'Achigan. The progress is dramatic. Only last Friday there was all kinds of exterior wall not covered with the ''cement board'' cladding. It actually looks quite a bit like the old clapboard that was on the building. It is supposedly ''fire proof'' which was required due to the proximity of the Dining Room and the Staff Rec.
The flooring in the kitchen area is completely installed and the base baords are in, also. The hard wood floor in the Dining Room is just about all down. The construction worker was hard at work finishing it off during the site visit on June 3.
The electrician was actually installing the fixtures in the kitchen area. Everything had been pre-wired and now it is getting the fixtures in place.
The Dining Room is really bright and cheery! It is not quite the shade that had been chosen. the larger windows and the sky lights certainly let in a lot of light. It was a grey day and there was plenty of light.
Next week 3 coast of clear varnish will be applied to the floor in the main Dining Room. The kitchen equipment will start to be installed on Tuesday, June 8.
We are getting there. the staff arrive on June 19 for a week of training and 120 women arrive on June 25 for a 3 day weekend camp! Everything MUST be in order!
I will post more later.

I will try for a link.