June Review - Sold!

Last update we were selling our condo.
It looks like we may have sold for August 1. We have found a place and are now negotiating for August 1. More later.
June was the month to celebrate our 41st Wedding Anniversary as well as Marc's birthday and Darcy's 4th birthday.
Darcy, our 4 year old grand-daughter, took part a 100 meter run and received a medal for her efforts. She really enjoyed running. Sue, daughter-in-law, was prepared to run with her. When they got to the starting line, Darcy informed her mother that she was running the race ''all by myself''. Talk about growing up and being independent. She is all set for pre-school in September.
Our daughter, Stephanie, was not to be out-done by her niece. Stef went to Boston with her competitive Dragon Boat team and finished first. Stef came home with a gold medal and the team will be participating in the New York competition later this summer. We went to the Olympic Basin last Saturday and enjoyed the Montreal recreational competition. Stef's women's team finished first! What a day!

We celebrated June 24 in Windsor and thoroughly enjoyed Darcy and Wesley. They are growing quickly and we certainly see the changes between visits. Hopefully they will get a chance to come to Montreal this summer and visit at our house.
Today is Canada Day and I am planning on taking in a pipe-organ concert at St. James United Church. The featured piece will be a 85 bar Bach world-premier. the Jazz Festival is in full swing and today is dry and not too humid. So, it looks like a great day to visit the Jazz Fest.
That's it for June. Keep reading for more later.
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