More decorations were added to the Sports Hall for the Carol Service on Sunday night. All along the edge of the balcony were lighted candles as well as two large candle chandeliers.
The Concert Band, Choir, Chamber Choir, and a Tamil Choir participated as well as readers and monologues.
We had visits from King Herod and the Inn Keepers Wife.
It was an enjoyable evening and a fitting conclusion to the end of Term I.
On Monday the Junior School presented their musical "It's A Miracle" with the Reception Class (4-5 yr) doing Baa-Baa-Baa, Baa-Ba-Ba-Ba! A real whole school participation.
Tuesday and Wednesday are normal school days with a final assembly on Thursday morning and by 10:15 A.M. most of the students will be on their way. I am escorting a group to Bangalore for a mid-night flight. It will give me a chance to see Mysore and Bangalore. We are going by taxi for the 300 km journey which will take between 65 and 7 hours. I will be given lunch and supper money. The taxi driver and I will stay overnight in a hotel, school expense, and I will return to Ooty on Friday. Hopefully there will be opportunity for some pictures as we travel along.
Stay tuned.
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