On Saturday December 1, 2007, I left Hebron with one staff member and 20 Level A boys for a weekend at Avalanche. Avalanche is the Scripture Union Camp site not far from Hebron.
We went on chartered buses to the drop off point and then took the truck, with luggage and live chickens, as far as possible and then walked the rest while the truck churned on through mud and ditches.
The camp site is quite primitive with no electricity, open area dining room and camp fire/chapel site. The boys enjoyed kayaking and swimming as well as abseiling (rappelling and then dropping into water). They boys even found an old sailboat and had fun seeing how many they could get into the boat before it capsized. The mud along the shoreline was great for mud bathing!
The fire was kept burning all weekend and so most of us are quite well "smoked". It will be a few days before all the smokey smell is gone from our clothes. I managed to borrow a sleeping bag and woollen hat for the night. I was quite warm.
As we were praying through our prayer requests on Sunday morning the chicken started to squawk and the "silence" followed by another squawk and then "silence". The roasted chicken we had for lunch was delicious; as were the fried eggs we had for breakfast. Now I know why they chickens were so silent on the trip in on Saturday.
I chose to walk out the 4.8 km. to the bus drop off point. It was pleasant enough in the forest (jungle) with some rather spectacular sights to enjoy. The weekend was wonderful and I will remember it as one of my highlights.
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