Avalanche - Part 2
Here are a few photos of the camp setting which some of you may enjoy.
The camp is located on 16 acres of land. The bush is dense as you can see from this trail leading down to the lake.
The kitchen is really not much more than a shelter over the counter and the wood-burning stove. This is where the wonderful fried rice and noodles where prepared along with the roasted potatoes and mixed vegetables.
The terrain is rather hilly and the tents are set on the hillside not far from the washrooms, or should I say, toilets. There are taps for washing at the right hand end of the building. Cold showers are available for those who wish. You can get hot water by the bucket from the kitchen.
The camp property touches the lake at three (3) points and there are plans to open up a second camping section.
The 4.8 km walk out was through forest (jungle) with some excellent scenery.
Big decision Bill.... camp manager at "Avalance" next summer or "L'Achigan".....
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