March update
Well, I realize it's been over a month since my last post, so I guess it's time for the March 2009 update!
The snow is going down! At lest it was until this morning when a few more centimeters fell. Nevertheless we are starting to see the grass through the snow.
Just yesterday we saw the first snow drops. There is life under the snow. The sun is bright and we are expecting minus 12 tonight!
Since last time, I have been kept busy around the house. The sea Shell border was removed in the main bathroom, the wall patched, 2 coats of sealer to hide the blue and then 2 fresh coats of café-au-lait on the walls. Much improved! Also some new hardware for hanging the towels up as well as new knobs on the cupboards. Nice job, if I say so myself.
My wife has made Roman blinds for the Dining Room and they are now up after battling with old plaster and No. 4 screws that broke in the oak window frames. No. 6 screws worked out just fine. The Living Room is next. Hopefully we have all this finished soon as it will soon be time to get out in the garden and see just what we have inherited.
I am looking at plants for a semi-shade garden as well as full sun. Out yard is bordered by tress, so some sections really do not receive any sun and the centre section received full sun. I want to plant perennials that will give plenty of colour and texture with as little work on my part as possible.

Recently my wife has taken up knitting Izzy dolls for Health Partners International. These stuffed dolls are used in packing medicines and other needed products which are then shipped to countries where there is a tremendous need. The dolls are distributed to the children when they come for their medication. These toys reduce the non-recyclable packaging materials. We have quite a family of dolls ready to give away, as you can see from the photo.
That's it for March '09!
The snow is going down! At lest it was until this morning when a few more centimeters fell. Nevertheless we are starting to see the grass through the snow.
Just yesterday we saw the first snow drops. There is life under the snow. The sun is bright and we are expecting minus 12 tonight!
Since last time, I have been kept busy around the house. The sea Shell border was removed in the main bathroom, the wall patched, 2 coats of sealer to hide the blue and then 2 fresh coats of café-au-lait on the walls. Much improved! Also some new hardware for hanging the towels up as well as new knobs on the cupboards. Nice job, if I say so myself.
My wife has made Roman blinds for the Dining Room and they are now up after battling with old plaster and No. 4 screws that broke in the oak window frames. No. 6 screws worked out just fine. The Living Room is next. Hopefully we have all this finished soon as it will soon be time to get out in the garden and see just what we have inherited.
I am looking at plants for a semi-shade garden as well as full sun. Out yard is bordered by tress, so some sections really do not receive any sun and the centre section received full sun. I want to plant perennials that will give plenty of colour and texture with as little work on my part as possible.
Recently my wife has taken up knitting Izzy dolls for Health Partners International. These stuffed dolls are used in packing medicines and other needed products which are then shipped to countries where there is a tremendous need. The dolls are distributed to the children when they come for their medication. These toys reduce the non-recyclable packaging materials. We have quite a family of dolls ready to give away, as you can see from the photo.
That's it for March '09!
Those little dolls just make me laugh!
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