Saturday, May 10, 2008

April in Review

It is a little late, but I guess I should honor my word and do the monthly posting for April.

April was a kind of ''stay at home'' month. Not much happened of any consequence. There were a few bright spots that I think are worth sharing with those of you to whom I do not write on a regular basis.

The first bright spot is that the snow finally stopped falling and actually started melting. By the end of the month we were snow free and were able to put away the winter boots and get out the running shoes. It also meant taking the snow tires off the car and putting on the summer tires. Yes, we have two sets of tires for the car. For those of you without much snow you will need to understand that it is really important to have the proper tires in winter if you plan on driving before the city snow crews have plowed the streets. This can sometimes take a couple of days!!

Another bright spot was a telephone call during dinner one night from a high school classmate. Next year marks the 50th Anniversary of our High School Graduating class. We are trying to locate as many of our former classmates as possible for this event. Date and place still to be decided.

The third and final bright spot was an unanticipated email from Hebron. They were hoping that I could do a return visit for a few months this fall. Unfortunately that is not possible for both my wife's schedule and mine. So, one of these both my wife and I will hope to get to Hebron and renew acquaintances.

That's it for April. Sorry, no pictures this month.