September 2009 - update
Well, it looks like I missed my August chapter. So, I guess before September gets any older, I had better get something down.
August started out with a visit from Nick, Sue, Darcy, and Wesley. We actually had a double visit from them as they stopped by on their way to Music Camp and then stayed with us for a few days after camp.
We actually went up to camp for the closing program. Stef and I ended up playing with the kids and had a wonderful time. Wesley is quite the kayaker!
Saturday night we had a B-B-Q in the garden. Wesley certainly enjoyed his corn-on-the-cob!
The high-light of their stay was a visit to the Biosphere, the former United States pavilion from Expo '67. The main attraction was the ''water'' room which featured at least 10 different types of
hands-on activities for children. I am not really sure who had the most fun, the adults or the kids! Needless to say, there was water everywhere and lots of laughs. One of the best was Darcy in the ''Mind Shaker'' a closed-circuit TV projection.
Eventually we moved into the rest of the exhibit and took in a 360 degree movie. This meant we had to swivel around on the stools to see the movie all around us. Again, lots of fun. Finally we made it up to the observation platform with a great view of Montreal.
All too quickly their visit was over and they left for some sight-seeing in Ottawa before returning to Windsor, via Cambridge.
Later in the month we had another family dinner to celebrate Stef's birthday. This was followed by a visit to the cottage and the beaver dam.
Here it is Labor Day weekend and we are getting ready to start bringing the plants inside. That means it is time to put up some shelves under the windows in the living-room. We bought the shelves today at Ikea. Now there is no excuse!
Life goes on - 3 days a week at work followed by a 4-day weekend! What can I say?!?
August started out with a visit from Nick, Sue, Darcy, and Wesley. We actually had a double visit from them as they stopped by on their way to Music Camp and then stayed with us for a few days after camp.
Saturday night we had a B-B-Q in the garden. Wesley certainly enjoyed his corn-on-the-cob!
The high-light of their stay was a visit to the Biosphere, the former United States pavilion from Expo '67. The main attraction was the ''water'' room which featured at least 10 different types of
Eventually we moved into the rest of the exhibit and took in a 360 degree movie. This meant we had to swivel around on the stools to see the movie all around us. Again, lots of fun. Finally we made it up to the observation platform with a great view of Montreal.
Later in the month we had another family dinner to celebrate Stef's birthday. This was followed by a visit to the cottage and the beaver dam.
Here it is Labor Day weekend and we are getting ready to start bringing the plants inside. That means it is time to put up some shelves under the windows in the living-room. We bought the shelves today at Ikea. Now there is no excuse!
Life goes on - 3 days a week at work followed by a 4-day weekend! What can I say?!?
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