Saturday, August 11, 2007

Sunny day!

Today is Saturday, August 11 and the time is 9:36 A.M. and the Internet is up. (It was down most of yesterday)

The sun has been shining for 1 whole hour without interruption! Everyone is talking about finding a sunny spot and drying out. The relative humidity gauge in the physics lab has been between 94 and 96% all week. Everything is DAMP!

Since the last post I have met two classes of Level 7 Math students. We are working our way through a review quiz so that I can attempt to assess their ability. Each class has 16 students who must come from at least 10 different countries.

Wednesday night I met the boys of the "A"level. There are about 36 of them living in three different dorms and some of them are Prefects living with the younger boys. I am assisting a Dorm Parent with 6 of them in Silverdale. There are 3 of them in a dorm right over my bed. Fortunately the building is well constructed so there is not too much noise filtering down through the floor. Every Friday evening there is a Bible study for the "A" levels boys and about 25 turned up last might. This is an optional activity. At 9:20 every Friday night there is a compulsory Dorm meeting at which time plans for the weekend are made and pocket money is distributed. Last night we had birthday cake for one of the boys and some kind of chicken pocket pies along with 7 Up or Coke. Some things never change.

My duties for today are to supervise the Junior Supper time. This means inspecting their hands as they come into the dining room, making sure they sit at assigned seats, saying grace, making sure they all eat something of everything that is on the menu. This can be quite a chore. The children are responsible for clearing their plates and placing the left overs in the proper bin, the cutlery and cups in the appropriate bins and the plates in their respective bin. Everything is metal. The cups, plates, and bowls really make a crashing sound if and when they fall on the floor. This invariably happens a few times during a meal.

Following the Junior supper, the "A" levels are all going out to eat a vegetarian meal in a restaurant. The girls will be joining us. That will take care of most of the evening.

If the sun continues to shine, I will visit the Botanical Gardens just inside our gate but on the other side of the fence.

Oh, one last thought, Thursday night we were moving filing cabinets in the Music department and before I knew it I had a Trombone in hand. An hour later Andrew (Roo) another IG and I left. We have since been invited to join the Concert Band and will be playing on Sunday night at the Commencement Service with the other students. It will sight reading for both of us.

The food continues to be ample, although one does not always ask what the menu items are. Eat or starve. Not great alternatives.

Stay tuned.



Blogger Unknown said...

Sounds like they picked the right guy when they picked you! Back in the band ...

August 11, 2007 at 12:48 PM  
Blogger Sue Matthews said...

It all sounds great. I remember when I was training for a mission trip in Florida. We had pretty high humidity too and I definitely remember the frustration of everything being constantly wet.

I'm checking in when I can. Keep safe.

August 12, 2007 at 3:58 PM  
Blogger Marilynn&Gil said...

interesting reading Bill keep practising.

August 13, 2007 at 9:32 AM  

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